Thursday, June 16, 2016

Random Thursday....

I'm thinking....  That it is way too hot and humid out there for me today!

I just finished....Going to the grocery store and cleaning the bath tub!

This morning...I restarted a knitting pattern that I've tried several times to knit before.  I'm determined to conquer it (Pincha on Ravelry)!

I am....Just about ready to finish a book I'm really enjoying....The Hundred Gifts

For dinner...I'm fixing an easy dinner - fresh broccoli and fried shrimp (the shrimp is frozen from a box).  I just felt like doing easy dinners this week - ones with no preps before hand!

Watching on tv... not a whole lot right now!  So many of my normal shows are off right now. Finding some here and there to watch - including some new ones that are not very good in my estimation!  When we can't find anything to put on - I dig out a movie!

Trying very not get angry at friends and family who do not have the same political views I do.  But then again, I guess they feel the same way!


Paula said...

Loved this little snippet of your life! It is extremely hot and humid here too. 104* yesterday

karen said...

I cannot imagine my life without ac when the weather is unbearable...just saying!! I don't talk politics, it's too crazy of a subject :) We watch netflix and hulu so the choices are endless.