Thursday, June 23, 2016

Random Ramblings...

Not all that hot out today, but very humid...woke up around 5 this morning to the sound of thunder and lightening and a steady down pour.  Now at 2 P.M.,  it is cloudy and gray - and looks like it could rain again....
I was thinking about going for a walk, but think "not"...

Last week, I was trying to figure out what the next book was in a series that my husband enjoys. He heard me mumbling to myself about it and said - you could just rotate the same four books.  Because he said, he never remembers anything, so would not know the difference - LOL!

Mailed a box of gifties to a friend the other day that lives in Wyoming.  The weight of the box - 4 pounds.  The cost to mail said box - $24.00!  I almost freaked out!  I told them - and you wonder why no one mails anything anymore!! 

When I am in the line at the grocery store and the lady is bagging my groceries - and I say - could you please double bag something, please don't tell me that it isn't that heavy... Just double bag it!

1 comment:

Paula said...

I totally agree with you!! Why do they have to talk back. Those plastic bags are so cheap that I have had them rip on the short way from the car to the house! And yes, I totally agree about the cost of mailing things!!