Sunday, May 3, 2015

Crossing the "X".....

I used to cross-stitch all the time!  I started over 35 years ago.  At first I didn't care for it - so didn't pursue the hobby. But then a year or so later, I decided to give it another go - and it became a joy of mine. I remember my first project was a lighthouse - with all these marsh grasses and birds and outlining. When the person doing the framing for me realized it was my first piece, they said I was quite brave!  I just knew I wanted to do it for a friend I worked with at the time - so off I went, without thought.  So many projects over the years....many of them given away as gifts.  I haven't been cross-stitching very much lately - especially since I started knitting about 5 or so years ago! But I'm really itching to get back to it.  Below you can see one of my favorites! It is hanging on my wall - mine to gaze at, whenever I please!



Tammy said...

That is a lovely piece!
I find my crafting has "seasons".
Not much cross-stitching or crocheting lately, but I am going to embroider some dishtowels for Christmas gifts.

karen said...

I used to cross stitch until my eyes watered too much and then I quit. I loved it and now that I have better glasses maybe I should try again! Love your stitching :)

Linda said...

Karen - I had to stop stitching for a year or so as I could no longer see those little tiny holes in the fabric! But my eye doctor made me close up lenses for stitching only - and they worked well!
