Sunday, May 10, 2015

Simple Pleasures....


I'm not sure how many times I've re-read this book. Maybe this is just the third time.  For some reason, I seem to be enjoying it even more this time around. Maybe because I need "comfort" and this is one of the books I turn to at those times. 

"Bette Nolan moves to a small town after the death of her husband.  She is looking for renewal - to follow down another path.  She is looking to find pleasure in simple daily routines.  Along the way, she has both expected and unexpected help in this desire. One of them being a quirky and sweet little 10 year old boy who lives next door."

There are many sentences and passages in this book that move me or make me think or make me cry or smile. I'll leave them to you to discover if you decide to read it.  I'll just share one of them with you!!

"Birds sat in a convivial row on the nearby utility wire.  Elongated drops of water hung beneath them, shimmering in the breeze.  I watched the birds for awhile, waiting for the invisible signal that would have them all life off together, but it did not come. That sat content, enjoying their version of a coffee klatch".

1 comment:

Marcia said...

One of my favorites, too, Linda. My copy is chock full of Post-It notes sticking out all over.