Sunday, May 19, 2013

Just Some Rambles....

I've always been a routine oriented person - doing things on schedule - on certain days, etc.... I swore when I retired two years ago, that I would change that - be more spontaneous - mix things up a bit.  And yet, I'm still doing things mostly on schedule.... I've tried and tried to break myself of it - but it is ingrained in me. That being said, every once in awhile, I go a bit crazy (ha) - and go out of order.   Today, instead of washing my hair, I went to the grocery store. Tomorrow, instead of going to the grocery store - I will wash my hair! I am a real renegade - I tell ya!

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Hi Linda, Lorita here from Thrifty Homemakers group. I am going through some of the group's old emails and found the link to your blog. I don't remember being here before and don't see that I ever replied to your posts but might have included a reply with another one. I am enjoying all your stitching projects! You have also given me some ideas for pictures to add to my blog as I have been in a deep rut lately. I did want to comment on this post - don't ever complain about your schedule habits!! I wish I could get myself on a schedule like that! I just do things whenever I feel like it, and often times nothing gets done that way. You are really daring to mix them up a bit. LOL But a person should never break GOOD habits.