I was going to take some photos of my new stash, but since I didn't think it would turn out well on this cloudy day, just imagine it instead... I got two reproduction samplers. One is Ann Smith Blockley 1834 by Milady's needle. And the other is Lois Marshall 1832 by Threads of Gold. One reason I was drawn to this one - my Mom's name is Lois - and this sampler is thought to be from a part of Ohio near where I grew up! So that was exciting. I still have to get linen for both of these - will do that next week. I also picked up two issues of Sampler and Antique Needlework magazine - both had some nice reproduction samplers in them that I liked quite a bit. This magazine is a hit or miss for me - this time, it was a big hit! And then I picked up a cute eyeglass cleaning microfiber cloth that has a reproduction sampler on it (hard to describe). It is by NeedleworkPress. I'm going to use it to clean my Nook! I wish I could find the chart for this sampler! Love it! (UPDATE - I did find the sampler and have put it on order - yipppee!). And above is a picture of the microfiber cloth. I found one place you can get it from (altho I'm sure there are others). It is Needle In A Haystack at 1-877-Haystac or email them at haystack@needlestack (hope that is right!