Pray that my deposit that I made at the bank today gets put in there tonight. No reason it shouldn't, but pray anyway! I went to Target after work for a "few things"... Ended up spending $60.00 which I paid for with my debit card - not even checking first to see how much money I had in my account at present time. Well, I now have $7.37.....
I went to Starbucks for a vanilla bean frapp after my trip to Target and a trip to the grocery store to look for a specific item that they didn't have at Target. Well, the grocery store didn't have it either! To fortify myself for the drive to the drug store, I needed a "drink"!
I cleaned the bathroom when I got home and got out for my walk. I haven't been walking the past few days due to the rain we've been getting. But a look in a three-way mirror in the dressing room at Target will get you out for a walk faster than you can say - Oh Lordy, please tell me I don't really look like that - LOL!
My husband is fixing dinner tonight - that is a nice treat. Grilled cheese and tomato soup - perfect for a " slightly chilly, getting ready to rain again" Wednesday night dinner....