Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This and That....

This is Carriage House Samplings "Helen Bell" multiplication chart... I'm doing it on Picture This Plus linen in a shade called "Relic"... not quite sure I like it, but I think the more I stitch, the better it will look. I didn't know that the "lines" around the numbers were not cross-stitched in. They are backstitched in! I don't do too well at backstitching, but I figure it will give it even more of a primitive look!

Pray that my deposit that I made at the bank today gets put in there tonight. No reason it shouldn't, but pray anyway! I went to Target after work for a "few things"... Ended up spending $60.00 which I paid for with my debit card - not even checking first to see how much money I had in my account at present time. Well, I now have $7.37.....

I went to Starbucks for a vanilla bean frapp after my trip to Target and a trip to the grocery store to look for a specific item that they didn't have at Target. Well, the grocery store didn't have it either! To fortify myself for the drive to the drug store, I needed a "drink"!

I cleaned the bathroom when I got home and got out for my walk. I haven't been walking the past few days due to the rain we've been getting. But a look in a three-way mirror in the dressing room at Target will get you out for a walk faster than you can say - Oh Lordy, please tell me I don't really look like that - LOL!

My husband is fixing dinner tonight - that is a nice treat. Grilled cheese and tomato soup - perfect for a " slightly chilly, getting ready to rain again" Wednesday night dinner....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Summertime and the flowers are blooooming....

The monster plant is our hosta. At least I think that is what it is. It is the biggest this year that it has ever been! Soon, the leaves will fold down and big stalks will come out of it with little bell shaped white flowers.... The pink daisy - love it! Also, for every one sold at Lowes, they made a donation to the fight for breast cancer. The other daisy has very pale lilac petals, with darker purple centers. Since purple is one of my favorite colors, I just HAD to have it!